MUHARAM, Harjum (2007) Analisis Perbandingan Efisiensi Bank Syariah di Indonesia Dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (periode Tahun 2005). Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam , II (3). pp. 80-166.

Syariah banking industrial improvement in Indonesia cause
increasing of competition level between bank, especiallY after economics
crisis,so the appraisal of bank} efficiencybecomesmore important, because
the efficiencyimages of compa'!J work. The approached method valuation
that used to measure bank efficienryin this paper is Data Envelopment
.Analysis (DEA), a technique linearprogramming that calculating output
ratio to input eachDMU (Decision Making Unit). DMU calledefficient
if the efficiency value is one (100 percent), if less than one it means
DMU not efficient. DEA also be availablegive solutionfor other banks
on sample that was not efficient to repair it self to be more efficient. Two
input factors and three output factors lvere used in this stucfy. Constant
Return to Scale (CRS) method with output oriented and intermediation
approach is used in this paper.This research attempt to anaIYze relative ejJicienry of Indonesia
syanab banking in year 2005 and compare it according to each groups
(syariab publicbanking-[Jariah units, BUMN-Non BUMN syariab
banking, detnsa-non deoisa private national syariab banking). The
samples of 12 banks which have almost all share of national syariab
banking in Indonesia were gathered from the total population of 114
bank of syariab banking industrial in Indonesia.
The result indicates that in year 2005, three syariab banks alwqys
get perfea score ejJicient 100 percent; there are BIN Syariah, Niaga
Syariah and Pe17JJataSyariah. Nine syariah banks other are not aliuays
ejJicient. Syariah Mandin Bank notyet ejJicient inyear 2005. Then, not
all banks on perfec: ejJicient condition become example for inejJicient
banks to repair it se!! to be more ejJicient. After DEA calculate ejJicienry
score .from each banks, we compare this ejJicienry score according three
groups (syariah public banking-[Jariah units, BUMN-Non BUMN
syariah banking, detnsa-non detnsa private national syariab banking).
FinallY, we get the result that there is no significantlY differences ejJicienry
score in each groups. So, its means that ejJicienry of Indonesia syariab
banking is good in year 2005
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